Bridging the gap between international and local student

Shuffle connects students from verified universities.
Our solution uses virtual cards as a means of cultural exchange between the two communities.
Intercultural exchange
The exchange of these cards drives the integration of internationals and enrich the life of local students.
Did you know ...
The Shuffle team conducted a survey on the interactions between the local and international student communities. Here are the key findings:
> 50%
of our respondents say that they
lack opportunities to interact with and meet students from different communities.
Only 16%
of international students felt integrated into local
The Shuffle team conducted a survey on the interactions between the local and international student communities. Here are the key findings:
> 50%
of our respondents say that they
lack opportunities to interact with and meet students from different communities.
Only 16%
of international students felt integrated into local
> 60%
of local students qualify their group of friends as not international.< 10%
of international and local students meet each other through social media. Most initial contacts still come from courses.
Create your own deck of cards...
New in Switzerland but don’t know where the best hikes are?
Ready to share the best recipes to showcase your country to
your peers? Looking for friends to go to a music festival
with? Create your own deck of experiences to share with
fellow students!
... and explore other people's cards and connect with them!
Once you’ve started creating cards, you can explore activities
proposed by other users. If two students like each other’s
activity, they match! They can then take part in each other's
activities. Organise your next trip together in the wild, your
upcoming flavourful dinner or your future climbing session!

Shuffle spawned from an EdTech hackathon organised by Swissnex India in November 2020. The goal was to create innovative digital solutions for the challenges the Swiss higher education faces. The multicultural team behind Shuffle embarked on a mission to create a project that would help integrate international students in Switzerland. The idea was awarded with seed funding to pursue its development in the form of a mobile application.Thanks to these funds granted by Movetia, the Shuffle team worked closely with Junior Entreprise EPFL’s student developers. Based on a survey done with the support of ESN FHNW, the mobile application came to life with the help of potential future users who gave insights into their university experience.
From the beginning till the end, Shuffle is an application made by students for students.